Tableaux Image and Media

Possibilities and limitations of integrating performed and media images to make a statement/tell a story: The idea of a performed image in tableaux is a little weird to me. I don't know what a tableaux can do out of context of movement that a media image couldn't. The interesting aspects of a performed tableaux is that the actors are capable of moving and performing in more dynamic ways but choose not to. If the tableaux is removed from that context, I don't know that it's anything better than a statue. But this is my personal beef with tableaux, not performed and media images together. I lied, I have a beef with the two of them together because both offer a lot of potential to do really interesting things, but by keeping both aspects completely stationary denies that potential. I'm at a disadvantage of having never seen a tableaux/media image done well, so maybe my understanding of both is whats limited, but wouldn't it be so much better if one could juxtapose the other? Manipulate sound to indicate a passing of time or atmosphere while the actors are stuck in particular poses/moments, or have the two, image and tableaux, actively interact with each other.


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