Speak Lesson Plan
Lesson 4
Date: Monday, March 12th, 2018 Class and Grade Level: 10th grade English
Objective(s): Students will be able to understand how theme is portrayed through different media and how
theme develops throughout Speak. They will be able to discuss and find textual evidence to support the
theme and demonstrate understanding of theme by arranging a series of gifs to show how a theme changes
over time.
theme develops throughout Speak. They will be able to discuss and find textual evidence to support the
theme and demonstrate understanding of theme by arranging a series of gifs to show how a theme changes
over time.
Utah Core Curriculum Standards:
Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is
emphasized or absent in each treatment (e.g., Auden's "Musée des Beaux Arts" and Breughel's Landscape
with the Fall of Icarus).
emphasized or absent in each treatment (e.g., Auden's "Musée des Beaux Arts" and Breughel's Landscape
with the Fall of Icarus).
Time: 45+ minutes (Can be longer depending on how much of unit final is worked on in class)
Materials: Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak
Rudy Francisco Complainers
Whiteboard and markers
Student access to computers with internet
Continuation from Previous Lessons:
Students have already read the novel Speak. We have discussed the difference between theme and main idea,
how symbolism functions in Speak, and understanding the affordances and limitations of different adaptations
of Speak. We have read parts of the book in class and done some analysis on the plot structure, the writing,
and the symbolism.
how symbolism functions in Speak, and understanding the affordances and limitations of different adaptations
of Speak. We have read parts of the book in class and done some analysis on the plot structure, the writing,
and the symbolism.
Getting Started: (10 minutes)
- Show students Complainers by Rudy Francisco and have them a short journal entry on why they thinkit connected to the book Speak. Once they are done have them share their ideas with the class and identify a theme that is relevant in both works.
- Use lesson on affordances and limitations of media to discuss the affordances and limitations ofperformance poetry when discussing silence.
- How does the poem’s meaning change when it’s spoken aloud?
- How does knowing there’s an audience change your understanding of the work?
- If time allows, show Silence by Jared Singer (1:14-1:58) to show broaden understanding ofaffordances/limitations of performance poetry
Modeling: (10 minutes)
- Show the class the following three pictures:
- Split into pairs to discuss the differences between the three pictures.
- What do they have in common?
- How does each one change our idea of silence?
- Once it’s clear they’ve reached conclusions, ask students to share with the class what they talked about with their partners
- Each picture has to do with the theme of silence, but that each deal with the idea differently.
- The same theme can have different specific meanings in different contexts
- Compare the photos to Melinda’s art class and how her trees all mean something different over time.
Mini-Lesson on Prezi: (5 minutes)
- Introduce the unit final: thematic timelines of Speak. Give a short tutorial on how to use Prezi to organize a timeline, using the photos and video discussed in class, in order to create the thematic timeline.
- Handouts explaining the final and more detailed instructions are included with the unit plan
Class Practice: (7-10 minutes)
- In the same pairs as before, have students choose one of the themes in Speak we talked about as a class. Using their copy of Speak, have them find three passages in the book that talk about that theme.
- Themes we’ve discussed in prior classes:
- Silence
- Sanctuary
- Home
- Work
- Identity
- Community
- Discuss how that theme develops over the passages chosen.
- Create a mini GIF timeline with your partner; using the passages you found on your theme, find GIFs that can capture Melinda’s understanding/interaction with the theme and its progression throughout the novel. If there is time, have students share these GIF timelines with the class.
Creating with Media (15-20 minutes)
- As individuals, begin work on the thematic timeline project, either expanding on the theme found in groups, or choosing their own theme. Find images, videos, GIFs, songs, or any other media discussed in class that show how that theme develops in Speak. More details can be found on the unit final sheet.
Backup plan in case of technology failure or unavailability:
- If we do not have access to YouTube to show Rudy Francisco’s poem, as a class we can read and discussSummer Silence by e e cummings and compare it to the theme of silence in Speak.
- If powerpoint isn’t working, the three photos discussed in class can be printed and passed around theclassroom.
- If students do not have internet access and thus cannot use Prezi or access GIFS, they will be given astack of magazines available in class and asked to find advertisements which use the themes discussed in class. Discuss how these themes are manipulated to sell certain products.
Monitoring learner activity:
- The teacher will visit partner groups during their discussing to know when discussions are coming toan end, to keep discussions on track, and to answer and questions or clear up any confusion about instruction.
Adaptations for Diverse Learners:
- Culturally diverse learners: The lesson is designed to have the majority of the final unit able to be done in class, and jump off of lessons/in class activities we’ve already done in class so students who do not have access to the time and technology outside of class still have the opportunity to complete the assignment
- English language learners: Since we focus on visual aspect of media, the lesson works well for English language learners, but transcripts of both poems can be provided for students who have a hard time understanding everything that is said in the videos.
- Gifted learners/Learners with disabilities: This lesson plan has been crafted to allow students to be as challenged as necessary. Students can easily used past activities in their unit final, but also have the opportunity to follow their own creativity and interests to create something new. Giving students an opportunity to write or discuss their thoughts with peers before sharing also allows students who need more time to organize their thoughts participate in the conversation as well.
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